Dean at Católica Porto Business School (Executive Education, Corporate Engagement e Fundraising).
Certificate of Management Excellence (2018‑2021) ‑ Harvard Business School.
PhD in Business and Management Studies (Specialisation in Finance) ‑ Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.
Master in Finance ‑ Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.
Bachelor in Economics ‑ Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.
Strategy: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage ‑ Harvard Business School.
Leading Product Innovation ‑ Harvard Business School.
High Potentials Leadership Program ‑ Harvard Business School.
Advanced program in Interest Rate Derivatives ‑ London Financial Studies & Goldman Sachs University.
Advanced program in Financial Modeling ‑ London School of Economics.
Advanced program in Project Finance/PPPs ‑ SMI Group.
Michael F. Price College of Business ‑ The University of Oklahoma: visiting Scholar conducting research in financial innovation and pricing of structured finance transactions, 2012‑2013.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa ‑ Porto: Vice‑president, 2017‑present.
Católica Porto Business School: Visiting Professor of Finance, 2008‑present.
European Investment Bank consultant in the field of Project Finance: September 2015‑present.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development consultant in the fields of investment valuation and corporate restructuring: November 2015‑present.
Member of the Research Center for Innovative Financial Solutions: August 2017‑present.
Editorial Board Member of Investment Management and Financial Innovations Journal: June 2017‑present.
Chief Financial Officer at TRENMO ‑ Engenharia, S.A.: January 2011 ‑ February 2014.
Financial Manager at Metro do Porto, S.A. in the Administrative and Financial Department: March 2008 ‑ March 2010.
Controller at Metro do Porto, S.A. in the Planning and Control Department: March 2004 ‑ February 2008.
Business Management and Financial Management Consultant: January 2004 ‑ present.