What is Campus Online and how can I access it?

The Campus Online is a very useful tool to help you manage your academic life and to access very relevant content. You can access it through the Católica in Porto, the Católica Porto Business School or directly at https://campus.porto.ucp.pt. The Campus Online is organised into communities and it has both a public and a private area which you can access by username and password (Login). After your registration you will receive an email with the Login information. If you need help please contact helpdesk@ucp.pt. The private area of the Campus will give you access to the pages of the Curricular Units (UCs) or courses in which you are enrolled and their contents and activities. In the private area of the Campus you also have access to the Católica Porto Business School Community. This Community includes students, faculty and staff. The campus online is edited by the School Board and here you can find, among others, a dedicated file containing the notices of the Dean of the Católica Porto Business School, schedules, regulations, syllabus of the courses etc. To learn more about the Campus Online you can consult the materials available in the Student Community. If you need help please contact: campus.online.porto@ucp.pt

What is E-SCA and how can I access it?

From the Campus Online you have electronic access to the Academic and Treasury Services: e-Services to the Academic Student (e-SCA). In the e-SCA you can consult grades, treasury position, ATM references for payment, submit enrollments, etc. You can also edit some of your personal data and contacts. Problems with e-SCA must be solved with the Academic Services.

Do I need to enrol for exams?

During the Normal Assessment Period it is not required. During the Re-sit and Special Assessment Periods it is always necessary and mandatory. The registration for the re-sit season is online and until 3 working days before the date of the respective exam. The registration for the Special Assessment Period is done by electronic application, during July, on dates to be announced in due time.

Where can I obtain information about regulations and academic plans?

The regulations are available on the campus online, however if you have any doubts please contact the Education Office by email (education.cpbs@ucp.pt) or personally by previous appointment.

Where can I seek help to study?

The Library and Information Management of Católica Porto offers a diversified and updated collection of bibliographic resources in the areas of Economics and Management, as well as a set of electronic resources that include scientific journals (over 15,000), databases, statistics and / or economic and business, as well as a range of specialised services, a European Documentation Centre (CDE) and a point of access to statistical information from the INE (RIBES).

The Library and Information Management manages and promotes the Scientific Institutional Repository of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (VERITATI), which aims the collection, dissemination and promotion of their scientific production in open access.

As a student of the Católica Porto Business School you may also access an information literacy plan that will allow you to:

  • Explore electronic resources and specific information sources of economic and business context;
  • Develop research skills, selection and interpretation of economics and management information.

The Students and Employability develops study methodology plans(ee.geral@ucp.pt).

The AECPBS also develops some plans to help you study. Please contact the AECPBS through its headquarters or by the different media channels available:
Instagram: @ae_cpbs 
E-mail: geral@aecpbs.pt or presidente@aecpbs.pt

Are there opportunities to develop extracurricular activities?

Yes. And it is of the utmost importance that you take advantage of them!

  • Get involved at AECPBS:

E-mail: geral@aecpbs.pt ou presidente@aecpbs.pt

  • take advantage of conferences, debates and company presentations;
  • get involved and participate in the UDIP's activities (https://www.udip.porto.ucp.pt)

I need support. I feel lost. Who should I contact?

If you need personal support or guidance, please contact the Career and Development Office (careers.cpbs@ucp.pt)

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