Tuition fees and other fees to consider

Check all the information here. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to talk to us!


Scholarships and Excellence Awards

Every effort is worth a reward
We reward the merit and the high academic performance of our students with Scholarships and Excellence Awards.

Scholarships: Full (100%) and Partial (80%, 50%, 20%)
Scholarships are awarded to the best students, defined by the ranking of the final classification for admission to the first year, in the first period and the first stage of national call for applications.

Excellence Awards: Full - Católica Top Honours (100%) and Partial - Católica Honours (80%, 50%, 20%)
The Excellence Awards are granted to the best students who pass to the second and subsequent years of the Undergraduate Programmes, based on their previous academic year performance.

Scholarships and Excellence Awards – Number and Amounts
The number and amounts of Scholarships and Excellence Awards are set up each academic year by Dispatch from the School Board of FEG/CPBS.

Additional Information
This information does not exempt consultation of the Scholarships and Excellence Awards Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees programmes in Economics and Management and the related annual Dispatch.