Postgraduate Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain

More Information

Programme Directors:

Luís Marques |
Raul Magalhães

185 hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6.30 to 9.30 pm 
November 2024

(Early bird up to three months before the start of the programme)

Isabel Barros
Executive Coordinator
+351 913 596 733
+351 226 196 260

Program Description

The Postgraduate Programme in Logistics and Supply Chain aims to
combine the academic excellence of CPBS with the experience and links to
the Portuguese Logistics Association (APLOG).


This postgraduate course, recognised by the ELA (European Logistic
Association), stands out for offering a comprehensive programme designed to
meet the current and future needs of professionals. With a strong
practical component, it includes case studies, projects, simulations and visits to
company visits, preparing participants for real challenges.

The diversity of the sector will allow the experience to be enriched with different
processes and challenges, and the global perspective gives the possibility of understanding the
complexity of global chains. Through a 360º view of three
value chains, as an exercise that can be replicated in other areas, the participant can
can identify the role of Logistics and Supply Chain in the success of companies.

The aim is to extend the course to professionals from other areas who are less familiar with logistics.
familiarity with the subject of logistics, an initial online homogenisation module is available, facilitating
module is available, facilitating the integration and optimisation of knowledge.

This programme is taught in Portuguese. For more information, click here.

More Information

Programme Directors:

Luís Marques |
Raul Magalhães

185 hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6.30 to 9.30 pm 
November 2024

(Early bird up to three months before the start of the programme)

Isabel Barros
Executive Coordinator
+351 913 596 733
+351 226 196 260