Student Association men's volleyball team from Católica Porto Business School is the champion of the Porto Academic Championships Super Cup

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 11:37

The men's Volleyball Team of the Católica Porto Business School Student Association (AECPBS) is the champion of the Men's Volleyball Super Cup of the Porto academic championships.

Católica Porto Business School_AE da Católica Porto Business School

In an exciting game, played over the best of three sets, the AECPBS men's team won 2-0, becoming champions of the Super Cup. The game was against the team from the Porto Faculty of Economics Student Association, the winner of last year's edition of this championship.

"When you combine hours of training with companionship, friendship and team spirit, all victories are possible. That's the spirit of AECPBS!" said António Pato, team captain.

Católica Porto Business School_Capitão da AE da Católica Porto Business School

The Católica team was crowned the winner on October 27th, having shown on the field their unity and friendship and also the effort of many months of training and dedication.
