Professor Susana Costa e Silva completed her Habilitation Procedures

Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 09:53

Susana Costa e Silva, professor at Católica Porto Business School, had her habilitations procedures unanimously approved by a jury of important academic profiles in the Marketing area.

On the first day of the process, the jury analysed the teacher's curriculum and her pedagogical report on the International Marketing subject. On the second day, the panel analysed and discussed a lecture - "From Social to Commercial - a roadmap for the Study of Guilt in Marketing", given by the professor.

The judging panel was chaired by Professor João Duque of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and composed of five full professors: Cláudia Simões from the University of Minho; Luís Filipe Lages from the New University of Lisbon; João Proença from the University of Porto; Pedro Dionísio from ISCTE; and Conceição Silva from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

The process aims to assess the candidate's expertise and contribution to their work field and their capacity for leadership and project supervision. Therefore, besides acquiring greater status and authority with this new title, the teacher can apply for the full professor position.

Católica Porto Business School congratulates Susana Costa e Silva for her success in this process, recognising her dedication and commitment to this institution.

Susana Costa e Silva_Agregação