Faculty Members

1 - 10 of 14
Invited Professor
PhD in Economics (University of South Carolina). Professor of Practice of the Católica Porto Business School (CPBS) Scientific Coordinator…
Invited Professor
Ana Madsen is an Invited Assistant Professor at Católica Porto Business School, also teaching at the School of Law and the School of Arts of Universidade…
Invited Professor
Invited assistant professor at Católica Porto Business School, where she primarily teaches in the areas of Marketing and Research Methodologies. Has…
Invited Professor
Invited Assistant Professor, teaching in Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Environmental Economics, Macroeconomics, and…
Invited Professor
João Meneses teaches at Católica Porto Business School and works regularly for CEGEA (Centre for Applied Management and Economics – UCP ‑ Porto).
Invited Professor
Invited Auxiliar Professor at Católica Porto Business School (since 2011) and Board Member at Rangel Invest, S.A. (since 2014). PhD (2013) and MSc…
Invited Professor
Invited Assistant Professor since 2017. Assistant with regency of Forecasting Methods, Mathematics 0, Mathematics I, Mathematics II and Mathematics…
Invited Professor
PhD in Management Studies, with specialization in Accounting and Management Control, at the School of Economics and Management, University of Porto (FEP). MSc…
Invited Professor
Guest Assistant Professor at the Católica Porto Business School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa ‑ Porto Regional Center, where she has been teaching since…
Invited Professor
Invited Assistant Professor at Católica Porto Business School from August 2020‑present. Teaching Assistant at Católica Porto Business School from…