Ana Margarida Lima F.C. Oliveira Juncker Madsen

Teaching Assistant

Generic Bio

Ana Madsen teaches at Universidade Católica Portuguesa since 2012 (CATÓLICA PORTO BUSINESS SCHOOL  +  ESCOLA DE DIREITO DO PORTO + ESCOLA DAS ARTES + Centro Regional de Viseu) both at Bachelor and Master levels.

With a 5 years degree in Administração e Gestão de Empresas, from Universidade Católica do Porto, attended the Master of Science in Business Performance and Excellence at Århus Business School (Denmark) – the university where she previously made Erasmus. Invited to do a PH.D. at Syddansk Universitet (Denmark) with a scholarship from the Danish government, Ana defended it at the Universidade Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid in Social Sciences, with the title “How can we explain the cross‑cultural difference in food patterns? Fish consumption in Denmark and Portugal as an example of how market systems produce consumption patterns”.    

* GUEST LECTURER University of Southern Denmark, Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg (2019‑ )

* PROFESSORA AUXILIAR CONVIDADA ‑ Universidade Católica Viseu (2011‑ 2015)

* PROFESSOR ADJUNTO ‑ at IPAM Porto and IPAM Aveiro‑ (from 2007 ‑ 2010)

* NON – TENURED ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ‑ Syddansk Universitet (2006‑2007). Department of Environment and Business Economics, Syddansk Universitet.  DENMARK.

* SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANT at the Department of Environment and Business Economics at the Syddansk Universitet (2002‑2005); Non‑tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Environment and Business Economics, Syddansk Universitet (2005‑2007).

Papers in various international conferences (Norway, Canadá, Bélgium, Denmark, Eslovénia, USA, Spain, Brazil).

Book chapter

Leading the Way to a Sustainable Future

Ana Margarida Lima F.C. Oliveira Juncker Madsen (with Teresa Coelho). 2020. Anthropological Approaches to Understanding Consumption Patterns and Consumer Behavior