Increases in productive efficiency enable cost-cutting without compromising the quality and the volume of the output that is produced. S.Lab develops and applies tools to measure performance (including online tools) and carries out comparative efficiency studies between similar production/service units (e.g. retail outlets, bank branches, schools, hospitals, etc.). These studies make it possible to achieve efficiency gains and to identify the most efficient units (benchmarks) that may be used as references or best practices sites.

Examples of questions that can be addressed through projects in this area:

  1. Which business units present the best practices and the main problems?
  2. What is the ideal size of each production unit?
  3. Which targets should be set for each production unit?
  4. Which indicators should be systematically computed to monitor the performance of production units?
  5. How to integrate various indicators in one aggregate performance indicator for a firm or activity sector?
  6. How to streamline internal learning based on the results obtained from monitoring indicators?
  7. How to ensure that the operational indicators of each unit are in line with the strategic goals of the organisation?