Tommy Garcia-Figueras and Dario Roca Herrero led a MasterClass of the Católica Porto Business School's Post-Graduation in Fashion Management. The event took place in a blended format with over one hundred people.
"This MasterClass is an excellent example of the knowledge we seek to promote in this programme, " said one of the Post-Graduation in Fashion Management directors, Nuno Malheiro.
Garcia-Figueras, Senior Operations Manager at Tommy Hilfiger, addressed the challenges of managing a global supply chain. The Spanish manager started by telling how, at a certain point in his professional career, he went through a stressful episode that made him realize that "life is more important than work".
The interactive conversation included describing how an operations department works and its importance in small and large companies. In the end, when asked how a top manager is evaluated, Tommy Garcia-Figueras said that his KPI is not measurable, but his performance "is as good as the more KPIs my employees achieve".
The Chief People Officer of Pronovias Group, Dário Roca Herrero, discussed the importance of the employees' experience at the sales points.
In the opinion of Pronovias Group's CPO, employee motivation is crucial. Therefore, there must be managers with good leadership skills who know how to motivate and stimulate employees' sense of belonging. For example, when asked about the process of employees leaving, Dário Roca Herrero was pragmatic: "an exit process continues to be part of a company's experience and is always an opportunity for improvement". In conclusion, he underlined the importance of the employee's entire journey, stating that "each person who leaves the company becomes a very influential ambassador".
This initiative also coincided with the beginning of the second edition enrollments for this Post-Graduation. The event was an opportunity for "all potentially interested parties to understand the experience we seek to promote and the added value for the professionals", concluded Nuno Malheiro.