António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva

Associate Professor


Associate Professor in the "Faculdade de Economia e Gestão ‑ Universidade Católica Portuguesa" since April 2005.

Teaching and coordination responsabilities at several Statistics, Operations Research and Quantitative Methods courses in undergraduate programs for Economics and Business, Masters programs in Finance, Psychology and Statistics and Professional programs in Finance.

Invited researcher at the "International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis", Laxenburg, Austria


A mixed integer programming algorithm for minimizing the training sample misclassification cost in two-group classification

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Pendharkar, Parag). 1997. Annals of Operations Research

A novel algorithm for simultaneous SNP selection in high-dimensional genome-wide association studies

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Zuber, V.). 2012. BMC Bioinformatics

An unified approach to dimensionality identification and feature selection in canonical variate analysis

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2001.

Approaches to linear discriminant analysis of interval data

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2005.

Calibrating and estimating exponential-affine models in R

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2008.

Classificação supervisionada para dados de elevada dimensão

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2010.

Classifying High-Dimensional Data with the The HiDimDA package

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2013.

Comparing High-Dimensional Classifiers: Abuse and dangers of overall accuracy

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2013.

Discarding variables in a Principal Component Analysis: Algorithms for all-subsets comparisons

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A.P.). 2002. Computational Statistics

Discriminant Analysis of Interval Data: An Assessment of Parametric and Distance-Based Approaches

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Silva, A. Pedro Duarte). 2015. Journal of Classification

Discriminant Analysis of Interval Data: Parametric Versus Distance-Based Approaches

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2012.

Efficient Variable Screening for Multivariate Analysis

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A.P.). 2001. Journal of Multivariate Analysis

Extended leaps: a modern implementation of a time tested classic

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2005.

HiDimDA: An R package for Supervised Classification of High-Dimensional Data

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2012.

High-Dimensional Classification in the Presence of Correlation: A Factor Model Approach

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2010.

Identificação simultânea de biomarcadores em estudos genéticos de associação: Desafios estatísticos e computacionais

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2013.

Identifying Special Structures in Interval-Data via Model-Base Clustering


Linear discriminant analysis for interval data

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Silva, A.P.D.). 2006. Computational Statistics

Linear discriminant analysis with more variables than observations: A not so naive approach

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A.P.). 2010. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization

MAINT.Data: Modelling and Analysing Interval Data in R


Modelling interval data with Normal and Skew-Normal distributions

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Brito, P.). 2012. Journal of Applied Statistics

Multivariate Parametric Analysis of Interval Data


Nonparametric Two-Group Classification: Concepts and a SAS-Based Software Package

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A.P.). 1998. American Statistician

On multiplicative priority rating methods for the AHP

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Stam, A.). 2003. European Journal of Operational Research

Optimization approaches to Supervised Classification

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Pedro Duarte Silva, A.). 2017. European Journal of Operational Research

Outlier detection in interval data

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A.P.). 2017. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification

Probabilistic clustering of interval data

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Brito, Paula). 2015. Intelligent Data Analysis

Second order mathematical programming formulations for discriminant analysis

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Silva, A.P.D.). 1994. European Journal of Operational Research

Selecting variables in multivariate linear models with subselect

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2006.

Stochastic judgments in the AHP: The measurement of rank reversal probabilities

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Stam, A.). 1997. Decision Sciences

Subselect 0.9-99: Selecting variable subsets in multivariate linear models

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2006.

The effects of misclassification costs and skewed distributions in two-group classification

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Duarte Silva, A. P.). 2002. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION

Two-group classification with high-dimensional correlated data: A factor model approach

António Pedro de Pinho de Brito Duarte Silva (with Pedro Duarte Silva, A.). 2011. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis