"In the long term, things are more serious. The possibility for companies to adjust their offer to what seems to them to be the preferences and needs of consumers at any given moment is a key element in the functioning of a market economy. Nobody knows...
"A brand's reputation is one of its main assets. It is the result of years of hard work, investment and customer relations, often over generations, whether with private customers or companies. However, it can easily be destroyed if consumers begin to...
"We believe that reflection on and with ethics will enable the emergence of workspaces that contribute to a more meaningful human life. This involves integrating a normative and procedural approach—thinking about ethics—with another form of reflection...
"There is now a lot of talk about the need to reform the Portuguese tax system, and this time, with a special focus on the reform of the Personal Income Tax, but there has also been talk about the reform of the Corporate Tax and, from time to time, there...
"The digital revolution, which includes the automation of tasks and the opportunities provided by the application of data science and artificial intelligence, has failed to eliminate the bureaucratic complexity that flourishes in many organisations, both...
"It has a name, and it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and it translates into the fact that most individuals consider themselves above average. (...) As comedian Ricky Gervais used to say, dead people don't know they're dead - it's just difficult and...
We can therefore look at reality as a set of qualitative facts, quantitative facts, qualitative meanings and quantitative meanings. Read the full article here .
Muito se tem escrito sobre as vantagens do uso destes sistemas no apoio aos negócios. Porém, nem sempre essas explicações são fáceis de entender por empresários e gestores de organizações de menor dimensão. Leia o artigo na íntegra aqui.
As lideranças devem ser justamente compensadas. Mas, ao longo das últimas décadas, algumas discrepâncias entre a compensação das lideranças de topo e a dos restantes trabalhadores tornaram-se indecorosas. Leia o artigo na íntegra aqui.
O contexto atual permite identificar oportunidades. A primeira passa pela grande jornada que as empresas portuguesas têm que fazer no sentido da sustentabilidade e regeneração Leia o artigo na íntegra aqui .