João Filipe Monteiro Pinto

Associate Professor


Dean at Católica Porto Business School (Executive Education, Corporate Engagement e Fundraising).

Certificate of Management Excellence (2018‑2021) ‑ Harvard Business School.

PhD in Business and Management Studies (Specialisation in Finance) ‑ Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.

Master in Finance ‑ Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.

Bachelor in Economics ‑ Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto.

Strategy: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage ‑ Harvard Business School.

Leading Product Innovation ‑ Harvard Business School.

High Potentials Leadership Program ‑ Harvard Business School.

Advanced program in Interest Rate Derivatives ‑ London Financial Studies & Goldman Sachs University.

Advanced program in Financial Modeling ‑ London School of Economics.

Advanced program in Project Finance/PPPs ‑ SMI Group.

Michael F. Price College of Business ‑ The University of Oklahoma: visiting Scholar conducting research in financial innovation and pricing of structured finance transactions, 2012‑2013.

Universidade Católica Portuguesa ‑ Porto: Vice‑president, 2017‑present.

Católica Porto Business School: Visiting Professor of Finance, 2008‑present.

European Investment Bank consultant in the field of Project Finance: September 2015‑present.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development consultant in the fields of investment valuation and corporate restructuring: November 2015‑present.

Member of the Research Center for Innovative Financial Solutions: August 2017‑present.

Editorial Board Member of Investment Management and Financial Innovations Journal: June 2017‑present.

Chief Financial Officer at TRENMO ‑ Engenharia, S.A.: January 2011 ‑ February 2014.

Financial Manager at Metro do Porto, S.A. in the Administrative and Financial Department: March 2008 ‑ March 2010.

Controller at Metro do Porto, S.A. in the Planning and Control Department: March 2004 ‑ February 2008.

Business Management and Financial Management Consultant: January 2004 ‑ present.

Book chapter


João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Laurent Maurin). 2016. Investment and investment finance in Europe : financing productivity growth

A comparative analysis of ex ante credit spreads: Structured finance versus straight debt finance

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto 2020. Journal of Corporate Finance

Are covered bonds different from securitization bonds? A comparative analysis of credit spreads

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Mafalda C. Correia). 2022. European Financial Management

Are covered bonds different from securitization bonds?: a comparative analysis of credit spreads

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Filipe Monteiro Pinto). 2021.

Contracting out public transit services: an incentive performance-based approach

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Filipe Monteiro Pinto). 2021.
Book chapter

Credit conditions and corporate investment in Europe

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Pinto, João). 2016. Investment and Investment Finance in Europe

Debt financing choices: theory and evidence from Europe

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Filipe Monteiro Pinto). 2017.

Does export intensity affect corporate leverage? Evidence from Portuguese SMEs

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto 2019. Finance Research Letters

Financing circular economy projects: a clinical study

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Filipe Monteiro Pinto). 2022. ERBE

Financing Circular Economy Projects: A Clinical Study

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Pinto). 2022. European Review of Business Economics

Governance of PPP infrastructure projects: a variable capital structure valuation approach

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Monteiro Pinto). 2022.
Book chapter

Governance of PPP Infrastructure Projects: A Variable Capital Structure Valuation Approach

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Pinto). 2023. Research Handbook on Transport Infrastructure Projects

How Banks Price Loans for LBOs: an Empirical Analysis of Spread Determinants *

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto & Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, Paulo P.). 2021. Journal of Financial Services Research

O Movimento de Titularização de Activos em Portugal

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Pinto, João). 2007. Cadernos do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários

Performance-based contracting of urban transport operation services: evidence from Porto's light-rail

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Mário Coutinho dos Santos). 2024. Case Studies on Transport Policy

Pricing of project finance bonds: A comparative analysis of primary market spreads

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Sebastião S. Guedes). 2023. Journal of Corporate Finance

Project Finance in Europe: An Overview and Discussion of Key Drivers

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Pinto, João). 2016.

Structured finance and the boundaries of the firm: the case of project finance

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves). 2021.

The choice between corporate and structured financing: evidence from new corporate borrowings

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto 2019. The European Journal of Finance

The CSPP impact on non-financial firms’ cost of borrowing and debt choice

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Joana F. Kanda). 2021.

The economics of LBOs: evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with João Pinto). 2021. ERBE

The Economics of Securitization: Evidence from the European Markets

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves & João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Pinto, J.). 2016. Investment Management and Financial Innovations

The Economics of Structured Leasing

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Pinto, Jooo). 2014. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics

The Pricing of Bank Bonds, Sovereign Credit Risk and ECB’s Asset Purchase Programmes


What is Project Finance?

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto 2017. Investment Management and Financial Innovations