Ethics Forum of Católica Porto Business School presents Collective Book and Short Film on Ethics and Hybrid Work

Monday, May 22, 2023 - 16:23

On May 16th, the Ethics Forum of Católica Porto Business School presented the Collective Book "Ética e Trabalho Híbrido: Proximidades e Distâncias" and the short film "O Melhor de Dois Mundos" by Henrique Manuel Pereira, professor at Escola das Artes of Universidade Católica. The event gathered forum members, professors and professionals for in-depth reflection on the ethical challenges faced in hybrid work.

"Complementing the survey "Trabalho Híbrido: no Rescaldo da Pandemia" this book and the short film are the outcomes of a teamwork that allowed to gather approaches, visions and experiences about this work model" points out Helena Gonçalves, coordinator of the Ethics Forum of Católica Porto Business School. 

The book offers a broad view of the opportunities and ethical challenges in this new way of working, besides proposing guidelines for promoting a more ethical and sustainable organisational culture.

In turn, the film "O Melhor de Dois Mundos" explores the stories of professionals who found a balance between their personal and professional life in this work model, revealing its challenges, opportunities, and transformations. 

At the end of the session, the theme for the following study was unveiled "Ética e Diversidade Geracional no Trabalho".

Therefore, the Ethics Forum endorses its commitment to promote meaningful discussions and contribute to disseminating knowledge that fosters ethical practices in the corporate world, extending reflection among the participants.