Católica Porto Business School once again plays a prominent role in the European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), whose 18th edition will take place between June 18th and 21st in Faro. In the previous edition in 2022, Católica Porto Business School welcomed more than 200 participants to the biennial conference and, this year, it will officially be part of the event's organisation with the University of Algarve.
Maria Conceição Silva, Associate Dean for Research, Innovation and Sustainability at Católica Porto Business School, says that “it is an honour to once again welcome EWEPA in Portugal and, above all, to once again be involved in organising the European conference par excellence in the area of efficiency and productivity.”
EWEPA is the leading conference dedicated to debating and presenting methods and applications in efficiency and productivity measurement, typically covering application areas ranging from agriculture, regulated sectors of activity, and industry.
After visiting cities such as London, Helsinki, Verona, Brussels, Copenhagen and Porto, the conference returns to Portugal for four days of intense sharing and experience this year. During the event, several plenary sessions, regular parallel sessions and thematic parallel sessions will occur. In addition, there will also be a moment before the conference dedicated to presentations by PhD students and junior researchers, where a senior researcher will discuss and comment on their work.