Pablo Hernandez Marrero


Generic Bio

Prof. Dr. Pablo Hernández‑Marrero obtained his Ph.D. in Health Services Research: Health Services Organization and Management from the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto (UofT), Canada, 2006; with a minor in Management in the Doctoral Program in Management from the Rotman School of Management at UofT.

His Ph.D. is recognized in Portugal (UM) and Spain. He has a post‑doctorate (3‑years) in Bioethics from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). In 2009, he received accreditation as Associate Professor (Research) in Spain. Pablo has a MHSc: Health Administration, UofT (Canada); a Master of Public Health and Health Administration, Andalusian School of Public Health ‑ University of Granada (Spain); a Specialty in Occupational Health, Carlos III Health Institute (public research agency from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain); a Specialty in Primary Care, Spanish Ministry of Health (Spain) and a Bachelor in Nursing, Universidad de La Laguna (Spain).

Pablo has broad international experience combining education, research, management, consulting and clinical work. He worked in Portugal, Spain, Canada, Poland, Denmark, Bolivia, Mexico, Chile and other countries. In Canada, he acquired over ten years of experience in multiple national and international research projects and organizations. He has extensive executive management experience within the continuum of services in community, long‑term care and large university teaching hospitals, both in Canada and Spain. He also worked as an international consultant and team leader in national and international health services projects (e.g., reorganization and design of services, strategic planning, organizational development and change, and leadership).

He has worked in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education. For instance: Invited Professor in post‑graduate, master and doctorate programs in health services research, healthcare management, organizational theory and behaviour, public health, palliative care, bioethics and research methods in several countries; Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; Visiting Professor, Europubhealth+: European Public Health Master (ERASMUS+ Program), Jagiellonian University Medical College, Institute of Public Health, Krakow, Poland; Visiting Professor, Europubhealth+: European Public Health Master (ERASMUS+ Program), University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health, Copenhagen, Denmark; Professor, Andalusian School of Public Health ‑ University of Granada, Spain; Visiting Professor, Europhamili‑ManaHealth (EU Leonardo da Vinci program), National School of Public Health ‑ Rennes, France; Visiting Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick, Canada; Professor and Coordinator of the MBA: Health Administration, MBA Business School, Spain.

Pablo has participated in and led international interdisciplinary teams and coordinated academic and research activities. He supervised bachelor students and supervised and chaired the jury of more than forty master and Ph.D. candidates (public health, healthcare management, organization sciences and management, health sciences and bioethics) in Canada, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Denmark, France and Poland.

Pablo has coordinated, as Principal and Co‑PI, more than ten competitive projects in Spain, Canada and Portugal. He has also been involved in around fifteen international projects. As part of his regular work, he has participated in the writing of competitive grant applications, either as PI, Co‑PI or WP leader. 

Pablo is involved in research combining the areas of health services research; health policy, management and evaluation; bioethics and palliative care; establishing micro‑meso‑macro linkages with justice and inequities. His background in health policy, management and evaluation allows him to bring together management, economics, policy and healthcare research, combining an understanding of the healthcare system mandate with business structures and processes to make healthcare organizations and systems more effective, efficient, ethical and sustainable. Pablo is a scientific reviewer and advisor for international funding agencies and associations. He has participated as member of organizing and scientific committees internationally and collaborates with top‑leading journals.

The quality of his work has been widely recognized by his peers in scientific events, where he has received various awards. Through his scientific and professional path, working with individuals and teams who had real‑world experience as himself, Pablo developed the expertise to fully realize the potential of new knowledge embedded in research to improve clinical practice, outcome measurement and performance, quality initiatives, new management and organizational practices, and provide quality data and information to inform policies.


"In Memory of Those Who Left": How "Thank You" Letters Are Perceived and Used as a Team Empowerment Motivational Factor by a Home-Based Palliative Care Team in the Azorean Islands

Pablo Hernandez Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira (with Pereira, Sandra Martins). 2016. Journal of Palliative Medicine

10th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Abstracts

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Nikolay Yordanov). 2018. Palliative Medicine

A bioethical perspective on the meanings behind a wish to hasten death

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Paulo Borges). 2023. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews

A bioethical perspective on the meanings behind a wish to hasten death

Pablo Hernandez Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira (with Paulo J. Borges). 2024. BMC Medical Ethics

A bioethical perspective on the meanings behind a wish to hasten death: a meta-ethnographic review

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Borges, Paulo J.). 2024. BMC Medical Ethics

A meta-ethnography about suffering in burned patients and their families

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with André Filipe Ribeiro). 2020. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews
Book chapter

A Pessoa com Demência: Questões e Desafios Éticos na Prática e Investigação Clínica

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2018. Caminhos de Bioética, Volume 1

A structural equation modeling analysis of fairness heuristic theory

Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2004. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge
Book chapter

A Valence Issue or a Transformational Definition: Is Palliative Care No More, No Less than High-Quality Care?

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2015. And Death Shall Have Dominion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Dying, Caregivers, Death, Mourning and the Bereaved

An extended version of the Font-Roja job satisfaction questionnaire | Una propuesta destinada a complementar el cuestionario Font-Roja de satisfacción laboral

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Núñez González, E.). 2007. Gaceta Sanitaria


Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Valentina A. Tesky). 2017. Alzheimer's & Dementia

Anticipatory medication in home palliative care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. Palliative Medicine

Anticipatory Medication in Home Palliative Care: A Systematic Review of Existing Practices, Challenges and Safeguards

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. 16th World Congress of the EAPC

Anticipatory Medication in Home Palliative Care: A Systematic Review of Existing Practices, Challenges and Safeguards

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Are the Ethics Procedures Reported in Clinical Dementia Research in Palliative Care Sound? Results from a Scoping Review

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2018. 10th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic as a bioethical concern

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Éden Sansão Mucache). 2023. PROSPERO 2023 CRD42023397062

Burnout em médicos e enfermeiros: estudo quantitativo e multicêntrico em unidades de cuidados paliativos em Portugal

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Pereira). 2014. Rev. Enf. Ref.

Burnout em médicos e enfermeiros: estudo quantitativo e multicêntrico em unidades de cuidados paliativos em Portugal

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2014. Revista de Enfermagem Referência
Book chapter

Burnout em profissionais de saúde em oncologia

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2018. Tratado de enfermagem em oncologia

Burnout in End-of-Life Care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Carla Margarida Teixeira). 2014. Atención Primaria

Burnout in end-of-life care: Results from a multicenter comparative study between intensive and palliative care units

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pereira, Sandra Martins). 2014. Atención Primaria

Burnout in end-of-life care: work-related experiences in intensive and palliative care units and relation to burnout

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Teixeira, Carla Margarida). 2014. Atención Primaria

Burnout in Palliative and Intensive Care Units: Does it make a difference?

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2015. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Denmark, 8/05/15

Cartas de agradecimento dos familiares

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Ana Júlia Silva). 2014. Revista Cuidados Paliativos

Compared to Palliative Care, Working in Intensive Care More than Doubles the Chances of Burnout: Results from a Nationwide Comparative Study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pereira, Sandra Martins). 2016. Plos One

Contact with death, ethical decisions, and communication of bad news in intensive care and palliative units: results from a mixed-methods study

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2016. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Cost, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home-based palliative care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Silvia Patricia Coelho). 2017. European Journal of Palliative Care

Cost, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home-based palliative care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Silvia Patricia Coelho). 2017. 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), Madrid, Spain, 18/05/17

Cultivating excellence in palliative care education and training

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Piret Paal). Palliative Medicine in Practice

Decision-making at the End-of-Life and the Recommendations of the Council of Europe: Results from a Qualitative Secondary Analysis of Interviews and Observation Field-notes

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2016. 9th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Determinantes de la satisfacción laboral en centros geriátricos

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Gabriel J. Estévez-Guerra). 2007. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología

Determinants and Outcomes of Psychological Empowerment in Healthcare Professionals

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2014. Atención Primaria

Determinants and outcomes of psychological empowerment in healthcare professionals: How to promote empowerment

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Hernández-Marrero, Pablo). 2014. Atención Primaria

Determinants of job satisfaction in long-term care facilities | Determinantes de la satisfacción laboral en centros geriátricos

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Estévez-Guerra, G.J.). 2007. Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia

Determinants of Self-perceived Managerial Effectiveness in the Canarian Health Service


Diagnósticos de enfermagem em cuidados paliativos: o caso de uma equipa intra-hospitalar de suporte.

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2014. Cuidados Paliativos

Did organizational models and designs of end-of-life care in burn intensive care units change during the COVID-19 pandemic? Professionals’ views and experiences

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2021. Palliative Medicine

Did Organizational Models and Designs of End-of-Life Care in Burn Intensive Care Units Change during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Professionals’ Views and Experiences

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2021. 17th World Congress of the EAPC 2021

Differences and Similarities in Ethical Decisions and Workplace Experiences in Palliative and Intensive Care Units: A Mixed-methods Study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2016. 9th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Do Adult Persons with Chronic Psychiatric Conditions Receive Fair Access to Specialist Palliative Care? Results from a Systematic Review

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. 16th World Congress of the EAPC

Do adult persons with chronic psychiatric conditions receive fair access to specialist palliative care? Results from a systematic review

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. Palliative Medicine

Do Adult Persons with Chronic Psychiatric Conditions Receive Fair Access to Specialist Palliative Care? Results from a Systematic Review

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Does the ethical principle of vulnerability prevent equity and fair research participation in palliative and end-of-life care?

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2023. Palliative Medicine

Dying with dignity

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. Palliative Medicine

Dying With Dignity: Conceptual and Practical Similarities and Differences Among Professionals Providing End-of-Life Care

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

EAPC2016: Abstracts

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2016. Palliative Medicine

Em cuidados paliativos

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. Revista Hospitalidade

Empowering Leader Behaviours: Impact on Health Professionals’ Empowerment and Commitment

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2015. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Denmark, 8/05/15

End-of-life care in burn intensive care units

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with A. F. Ribeiro). 2021. Palliative Medicine

End-of-Life Care in Burn Intensive Care Units: A Systematically Conducted Scoping Review

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2021. 17th World Congress of the EAPC 2021

End-of-Life Decision Making in Palliative Care and Recommendations of the Council of Europe: Qualitative Secondary Analysis of Interviews and Observation Field Notes

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pereira, Sandra Martins). 2018. Journal of Palliative Medicine

Enhancing ethical decision-making at the end-of-life

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2023. Palliative Medicine


Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Cordoba Currea, G. C.). 2009. Gaceta Sanitaria

ESICM LIVES 2016: part two

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with S. Sivakumar). 2016. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

ESICM LIVES 2016: part two: Milan, Italy. 1–5 October 2016.

Pablo Hernandez Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira (with Sivakumar S). 2016. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental

Ethical Challenges and Decisions at the End-of-Life in Burn Intensive Care Units. Results from a Qualitative Interview Study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2021. 17th World Congress of the EAPC 2021

Ethical challenges and decisions at the end-of-life in burn intensive care units. Results from a qualitative interview study

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2021. Palliative Medicine
Book chapter

Ethical Challenges of Informed Consent, Decision-Making Capacity, and Vulnerability in Clinical Dementia Research

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2018. Ethics and Integrity in Health and Life Sciences Research


Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Hernandez-Marrero, Pablo). 2019. Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods

Ethical challenges of outcome measurement in palliative care clinical practice: a systematic review of systematic reviews

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pereira, Sandra Martins). 2018. Annals of Palliative Medicine

Ethical challenges when studying the use of anticipatory medication in home palliative care research

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. 7th International Conference on Ethics Education

Ethical decision making in pain management: a conceptual framework

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Ana Sofia Carvalho). 2018. Journal of Pain Research

Ethical decision-making at the end-of-life during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2020. Palliative Medicine

Ethical decision-making at the end-of-life during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic rapid review

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, 2020

Ethical Decisions in Palliative Care: Interprofessional Relations as a Burnout Protective Factor? Results From a Mixed-Methods Multicenter Study in Portugal

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with P. Hernandez-Marrero). 2015. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

Ethical decisions in portuguese palliative care Units: A burnout risk factor? A mixed methods multicentre study in PT

Pablo Hernandez Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2014. Atención Primaria


Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with A. Carvalho). 2017. Innovation in Aging

Experiencing total pain in burn intensive care units

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2023. Palliative Medicine

Health Professionals’ Emotional Well-Being, Empowerment, and Self- Effectiveness: Lessons to be Learned from Palliative and Long-Term Care Settings

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernandez- Marrero). 2013. J Palliative Care Med

Health Professionals’ Emotional Well-Being, Empowerment, and Self- Effectiveness: Lessons to be Learned from Palliative and Long-Term Care Settings

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2013. Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine

How to enhance the informed consent process in persons unable to consent? Experiences from different contexts and settings

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2023. Palliative Medicine

How to improve ethical decision-making in clinical practice? Practical models and guidelines

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2023. Palliative Medicine

How to optimize informed consent in patients with dementia? A qualitative study on palliative care professionals’ views

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. Palliative Medicine

How to Optimize Informed Consent in Patients with Dementia? A Qualitative Study on Palliative Care Professionals’ Views.

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress of the EAPC

Informed consent in patients with dementia

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. 7th International Conference on Ethics Education

Integrating palliative care and intensive care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. Palliative Medicine

Integrating Palliative Care and Intensive Care: A Spectrum of Ethical Issues

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2018. 10th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Integrating Palliative Care and Intensive Care: Different Concepts and Organizational Models Based on a Mixed-methods Study on Professionals’ Perspectives

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Integrating palliative care in intensive care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Marcio Niemeyer ). 2020. Palliative Medicine

Integrating Palliative Care in Intensive Care: A Systematic Review of Outcomes

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2018. 10th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Integrating palliative care in intensive care: results from a mixed-methods study with healthcare professionals

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, 7th – 9th October 2020

Integration of palliative care and psychiatry

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. Palliative Medicine

Integration of Palliative Care and Psychiatry: Ethico-Clinical and Organisational Challenges Based on Professionals’ Views

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Investigação colaboracional e multicêntrica em cuidados paliativos em Portugal

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2014. Cuidados Paliativos

Investigação colaboracional e multicêntrica em cuidados paliativos em Portugal: traços da realidade e perspetivas sobre como promover e melhorar

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2014. Revista Cuidados Paliativos

Investigação em cuidados paliativos em Portugal

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. Cuidados Paliativos

Is it possible to integrate palliative care in burn intensive care units? Results from a qualitative study with healthcare professionals

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with A. F. Ribeiro). 2021. Palliative Medicine

Is it possible to Integrate Palliative Care in Burn Intensive Care Units? Results from a Qualitative Study with Healthcare Professionals

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2021. 17th World Congress of the EAPC 2021

Is there enough evidence to economically sustain the practice of anticipatory prescribing in home-based palliative care?

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2020. Palliative Medicine

Is there enough evidence to economically sustain the practice of anticipatory prescribing in home-based palliative care? A systematic review of economic evaluations

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, 7th – 9th October 2020

Life after stroke

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Joana Teles Sarmento). 2021. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews

Methodological challenges when using co-design in health research

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2023.

Nursing competences across different levels of palliative care education and provision

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with EduPal-Developing Palliative Nursing and Medical Education through Multidisciplinary Cooperation and Working Life Collaboration). 2019. Palliative Medicine

Nursing Competences across Different Levels of Palliative Care Education and Provision: A Systematically Constructed Review with Narrative Synthesis

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Nursing competencies across different levels of palliative care provision: A systematic integrative review with thematic synthesis

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Minna Hökkä). 2020. Palliative Medicine

Nursing Diagnosis in Palliative Care: The Case of a Palliative Care Hospital Support Team

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2013. 13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Praga, Czech Republic, 30/05/13

Nursing Diagnosis in Palliative Care: The Use of the ICNP® Catalogue “Palliative Care for a Dignified Dying” to Compare Nursing Diagnosis between Specialized Palliative Care Hospital Support and Home Care Teams

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2013. 13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Praga, Czech Republic, 30/05/13

Nursing education on palliative care across Europe: Results and recommendations from the EAPC Taskforce on preparation for practice in palliative care nursing across the EU based on an online-survey and country reports

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2021. Palliative Medicine

Palliative care nursing education across the EU

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress in Palliative Care, Berlin, Germany, 23/05/19

Palliative care nursing education across the EU

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with EAPC Task Force on Preparation for Practice in Palliative Care Nursing across the EU). 2019. Palliative Medicine

Palliative Care Nursing Education Across the EU: Results from an International Survey Study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Palliative care nursing education features more prominently in 2015 than 2005: Results from a nationwide survey and qualitative analysis of curricula.

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Martins Pereira S). 2016. Palliative Medicine

Palliative Care Nursing Education: From 2005 to 2015, a Rising Trend? Results from a Nationwide Survey and Qualitative Analysis of Nursing Undergraduate Curricula

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2016. 9th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Palliative care nursing involvement in end-of-life decision-making: Qualitative secondary analysis

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2019. Nursing Ethics

Perceived barriers and facilitators for the integration of palliative care in intensive care: results from a qualitative study

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. Palliative Medicine

Perceived barriers and facilitators for the integration of palliative care in intensive care: results from a qualitative study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, 7th – 9th October 2020

Polarization of perceived procedural justice

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Flint, D.H.). 2006. Perceptual and Motor Skills

Polarization of Perceived Procedural Justice

Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2016. Perceptual and Motor Skills

Portuguese Medical Students’ Perceptions and Willingness to Perform Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide: Results from a Mixed-methods Study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2018. 10th World Research Congress of the EAPC

Portuguese Medical Students’ Perceptions and Willingness to Perform Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide: Results from a Mixed-methods Study

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2018. Palliative Medicine
Book chapter

Problemas Éticos vivenciados no Cuidado à Pessoa com Câncer

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2018. Tratado de Enfermagem em Oncologia, Volume I
Book chapter

Professional Caregivers’ Emotional Well-Being, Empowerment and Burnout Prevention: Lessons to Be Learned from Palliative Care

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2015. And Death Shall Have Dominion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Dying, Caregivers, Death, Mourning and the Bereaved

Psychological Empowerment and Self-perceived Effectiveness on Health Professionals Providing Palliative Home Care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2013. European Journal of Palliative Care

Research ethics in palliative care

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 7th International Conference on Ethics Education

Research ethics in palliative care: A hallmark in Palliative Medicine

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. Palliative Medicine

The ethical soundness and relevance of qualitative secondary data analysis in palliative care research

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2019. 7th International Conference on Ethics Education

The Mediating Effects of Procedural Justice in Predicting Commitment from Social Structural Factors in the Workplace

Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2005. The Business Review, Cambridge

The Myth of Psychological Empowerment

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2013. Eur J Palliat Care

The role of affect and cognition in the perception of outcome acceptability under different justice conditions

Pablo Hernandez Marrero 2005. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge

The role of affect and cognition in the perception of outcome acceptability under different justice conditions

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Douglas H. Flint). 2005. The American Academy of Business Journal

Toward a bioethical framework for antibiotic use, antimicrobial resistance and for empirically designing ethically robust strategies to protect human health: a research protocol.

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Hernández-Marrero P). 2017.

Towards a public health approach for palliative care: an action-research study focused on engaging a local community and educating teenagers

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pereira, Sandra Martins). 2018. BMC Palliative Care

Triggers for palliative care referral in burn intensive care units

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2022. Palliative Medicine

Triggers for Palliative Care Referral in Burn Intensive Care Units: Results from a Qualitative Interview Study Based on Professionals’ Clinical Experience and Knowledge

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Trust and Organizational Justice: Its Effects on Health Professionals’ Perceptions of Psychological Empowerment in the Delivery of Primary Palliative Care

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Pablo Hernández-Marrero). 2013. European Journal of Palliative Care

What are the triggers for palliative care referral in burn intensive care units? Results from a qualitative study based on healthcare professionals’ views, clinical experiences and practices

Pablo Hernandez Marrero & Sandra Martins Pereira (with André Filipe Ribeiro). 2024. Palliative Medicine

What do we know about experiencing end-of-life in burn intensive care units? A scoping review

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with André Filipe Ribeiro). 2023. Palliative and Supportive Care

What does “assisted dying” mean for professionals providing end-of-life care? Results from a nationwide qualitative study

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. Palliative Medicine

What Does “Assisted Dying” Mean for Professionals Providing End-of-Life Care? Results From a Nationwide Qualitative Study

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2022. 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

Where, when and how to best integrate palliative care in intensive care? Results from a systematic review of systematic reviews

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online

Where, when and how to best integrate palliative care in intensive care? Results from a systematic review of systematic reviews

Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Sandra Martins Pereira). 2020. Palliative Medicine

Work-related experiences in intensive and palliative care units and their relation to burnout.

Sandra Martins Pereira & Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Teixeira C). 2015. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental


Pablo Hernandez Marrero (with Valentina A. Tesky). 2017. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association