Ricardo Jorge Mendes Fidalgo Moreira Cruz

Invited Professor


MSc in Economics (1996), with specialization in International Finance, Faculdade de Economia do Porto

BA in Economics (1988), Faculdade de Economia do Porto

Head Director of the Research Department at Oporto Stock Exchange (1988‑1992)

Advisor of the President of the Board, at CMVM, the regulatory body for the Portuguese securities markets (1992‑1995)

Worked as advisor and consultant at several ministries of the Government of the Portuguese Republic (1997‑2002)

Assistant Professor at FEP (1988‑2004) | Visiting Professor of the MBA in Finance at FEP (2004‑2008)

Member of the ‘Economic Outlook Forum’ at SONAE Group, Portugal (2002‑2010) | Held positions as a member of the board of directors or member of the supervisory board in credit institutions, financial and non‑financial companies

Currently, he is Visiting Auxiliary Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting at Faculdade de Economia e Gestão (FEG) and Católica Porto Business School (CPBS), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where he assures the coordination of the BA courses 'Money and Financial Markets' and 'International Financial Economics', and several other courses in Master, MBA and Executives Education Programmes

He is also member of the board of directors of several private companies and works as an economics and finance advisor to public and private entities