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Compassion | Alberto Castro

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 12:40
Dinheiro Vivo

"The problems involving the so-called Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), culminating in the dismissal of its administration, are a good example of the mistakes that, not infrequently, surround the appointments of managers of state entities, of a business nature (and, sometimes, even in those of a non-business nature). Often, the criteria of party alignment prevail over those of competence, and it is not surprising that bad outcomes result, boosted by (other) inappropriate political (and policy) decisions."

Read here (only available in Portuguese) the opinion article by Alberto Castro, invited Full Professor and Non-Executive Director of the Center for Management Studies and Applied Economics at Católica Porto Business School, published in Dinheiro Vivo.

Católica Porto Business School_Alberto Castro