Teen Academy Young Enterprise: an academic experience with nearly 90 high-school students

Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 17:05

Young Enterprise is a programme held under the Católica Porto Teen Academy, which allows high school students to live a real academic experience. The course occurred between July 10th and 14th, with 84 students divided into three groups.

Under the motto " Explore the Career World ", the Young Enterprise experience included various activities and challenges, allowing all participants to play the role of real professionals, working in multidisciplinary teams, and learning how to develop a business idea. The core purpose was to help them make more conscious and well-founded decisions upon entering university.

During the five-day course, participants attended sessions hosted by Católica Porto Business School teachers and were supervised by a selected group of current CPBS students as mentees, who guided, supported, and advised them throughout the business creation process.

As part of the Católica Porto Teen Academy, Young Enterprise played a key role in shaping a future academic and professional journey, offering all participants a unique and enriching experience.