The Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) launches another edition of the Christmas solidarity campaign under the motto “We are a meeting place!”. This motto is inspired by His Holiness Pope Francis’s words during his visit to the University as part of World Youth Day in August.
Once again, Católica brings together the communities of the four campuses (Lisbon, Porto, Braga and Viseu) intending to support 28 solidarity institutions through collecting goods and volunteer actions for employees and students, among others, until December 15th.
The date chosen for the start of this campaign is associated with the global Giving Tuesday movement, which aims to inspire generosity worldwide, promoting one day a year when everyone is invited to act.
In Porto, food items will be collected until the 15th of December to build baskets to support families in situations of social vulnerability. There will also be a Solidarity Market on the Porto campus to sell products made by CASP partner institutions - Somos Nós and Obra ABC. A volunteering action was promoted for the entire internal community - “Hands-on the ground: for a more sustainable Campus”. The Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome Campaign also took place from the 1st to the 3rd of December and, on the 4th of December, it was the 2nd Bingo D' eficiência solidário with the partner institutions in the Ser + Especial area (APPACDM - Porto e Somos Nós).
In Lisbon, several solidarity activities will be developed, such as the visit of a group of 27 children and young people from the Santa Teresa Association to the University, the 2nd Edition of the Natal Solidarity Market – with partner institutions of the VIDA Project – Volunteering at Católica, campaigns to collect goods by the various Student Associations and volunteer initiatives for students and employees.
In Viseu, and in partnership with the Ready to Help Association, a campaign is planned involving students, teachers and employees, taking place at the UCP facilities in dedicated locations, which aims to collect clothes and non-perishable food to support institutions of social solidarity in the city of Viseu and around 100 families in need.
In Braga, among other initiatives, a Solidarity Concert stands out on December 14th, by Padre Duarte Rosado, sj. Entry is free; each participant can contribute as they wish, depositing their donation in available piggy banks. The proceeds will benefit the organization “Virar a Página”, which works with the homeless population in this city.