Católica Porto Business School and KEDGE Business School sign protocol for new Double Degree in Master's programs

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - 14:55

Católica Porto Business School has a new Double Degree available in its Master’s programs in partnership with KEDGE Business School, a prestigious French business school. By applying for a Double Degree with KEGDE Business School, Management or Marketing Master’s students will be able to obtain two certificates: the Master’s degree from Católica Porto Business School and the international EBP diploma - “Diplôme de l’Ecole Multinationale des Affaires” from KEDGE Business School.

The protocol was signed on 14th March at Católica Porto Business School. It was attended by Santiago Garcia-Rodriguez, Vice-President for Development and International Relations at KEDGE Business School, João Pinto, Dean of Católica Porto Business School and Alexandra Leitão, Associate Dean for Global Education.

According to João Pinto, this new possibility “reinforces the current Double Degree possibilities that Católica Porto Business School offers, strengthening our School’s commitment to internationalization. Currently, there is a growing appreciation of solid and diversified international curriculum, by that this is an opportunity to intensify students’ networking, gain international multicultural experience and improve their career opportunities.” Alexandra Leitão adds that “one of the main commitments of Católica Porto Business School is to reinforce the international experience of Master’s students. In this context, developing double degree pathways with reputable international business schools is essential for achieving this objective.”

KEDGE Business School is a French business school of excellence and, like Católica Porto Business School, is part of a restricted group of 1% of business schools around the world that have triple accreditation, awarded by 3 of the most prestigious international accreditation agencies EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System, by the European Foundation for Management Development), AMBA (Association of MBAs) and AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).

In addition to the protocol now signed, Católica Porto Business School already has Double Degree protocols for Master’s degrees with Lancaster University Management School, Aston University, Corvinus University of Budapest and Neoma Business School.

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