Católica Porto Business School, Banco de Portugal, PwC and Novo Banco gathered to reflect on "Silicon Valley Bank: Lessons Learned".

Monday, May 29, 2023 - 11:17

This Short Talk was organized as part of the Executive Course in Business Banking, a program coordinated by Gonçalo Faria, Associate Dean at Católica Porto Business School, and António Ramalho, Industry Fellow at Católica Porto Business School and former CEO of Novo Banco.  

After Católica Porto Business School dean Rui Soucasaux Sousa's welcoming speech, Gonçalo Faria started by analyzing the case, pointing out indicators that already seemed to foresee some problems. 

Luis Barbosa, partner at PwC, then addressed the topic of interest rate risk management. Meanwhile, Rui Fontes, Chief Credit Officer and Board Member of Novo Banco discussed the issue of liability concentration risk management. He also compared some performance indicators of Silicon Valley Bank versus other American, European, and even national banks. 

António Ramalho deepened the topic of Reputational Risk Management, Communication and Transparency. 

Finally, Luis Costa Ferreira, Head of the Banking Prudential Supervision Department of the Bank of Portugal, provided an overview of this case's major lessons and insights. 

Check out below some of the press articles about this session:

Autópsia de um fim súbito: a má gestão liquidou o SVB

Silicon Valley Bank: falência era previsível e não é replicável em Portugal

Sinais de alerta da banca americana pouco prováveis em Portugal

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