Jon Gruda

Professor Associado


Doutoramento em Gestão, pela Emlyon Business School, França.

Doutoramento em Psicologia, pela Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Alemanha.

Com formação multidisciplinar em psicologia, neurociência e negócios, Jon Gruda explora a complexa interação entre liderança e personalidade.

Algumas das suas pesquisas, utilizando metodologias e tecnologias inovadoras como machine learning e inteligência artificial (IA), destacaram-se em importantes revistas académicas, incluindo Personality and Individual Differences e Harvard Business Review.


All about that trait: Examining extraversion and state anxiety during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using a machine learning approach

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2022. Personality and Individual Differences

All I Do Is Win, Win, Win No Matter What? Pre-Game Anxiety and Experience predict Athletic Performance in the NBA

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2023. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences

All I Do is Win, Win, Win No Matter What? Pre-Game Anxiety and Experience Predict Athletic Performance in the NBA

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2023. SSRN

Attachment Orientations Guide the Transfer of Leadership Judgments: Culture Matters

Jon Gruda 2019. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

C-H-A-T-G-P-T, Find Out What it Means To Me: ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, and the Study of Individual Differences

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2023.

Cause we are living in a Machiavellian world, and I am a Machiavellian major: Machiavellianism and academic major choice

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2023. Personality and Individual Differences

Dear journals: stop hoarding our papers

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2023. Nature

Don’t Go Chasing Narcissists: A Relational-Based and Multiverse Perspective on Leader Narcissism and Follower Engagement Using a Machine Learning Approach

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2023. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Don’t you tweet me badly: Anxiety contagion between leaders and followers in computer-mediated communication during COVID-19

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2022. PLOS ONE

Feeling anxious? Perceiving anxiety in tweets using machine learning

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2019. Computers in Human Behavior

Feeling Anxious? Perceiving Anxiety In Tweets Using Machine Learning

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2019. arXiv

From Ideal to Real: Attachment Orientations Guide Preference for an Autonomous Leadership Style

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2022. Frontiers in Psychology

Hit me with your best puff: Personality predicts preference for cigar vs. cigarette smoking

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2024. PLOS ONE

How to avoid others and influence people: Attachment orientations predict leader prototypicality in ad hoc teams

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2022. Acta Psychologica

I Alone Can Fix It: Examining interactions between narcissistic leaders and anxious followers on Twitter using a machine learning approach

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2021. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology

I Know a Leader When I See One: Implicit Leadership Theories and Attachment Styles

Jon Gruda 2017. Academy of Management Proceedings

I Need a Doctor, Call Me a Doctor: Attachment and the Evaluation of General Practitioners before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

I'm Simply the Best, Better than All the Rest - Narcissistic Leaders and Corporate Fundraising Success

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2020.

I'm simply the best, better than all the rest: Narcissistic leaders and corporate fundraising success

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2021. Personality and Individual Differences

Inferring the relationship between anxiety and extraversion from tweets during covid-19 - A linguistic analytics approach

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2021. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Interdependent Followers Prefer Avoidant Leaders: Followers’ Cultural Orientation Moderates Leaders’ Avoidance Relationships with Followers’ Work Outcomes

Jon Gruda 2018. Frontiers in Communication

Is it too late now to say we’re sorry? Examining anxiety contagion and crisis communication strategies using machine learning

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2022. PLOS ONE

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the healthiest of them all – The surprising role of narcissism in state-level health outcomes

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2024. Journal of Research in Personality

My Tweets Bring All the Traits to the Yard: Predicting Personality and Relational Traits in Online Social Networks

Jon Gruda (with Dimitra Karanatsiou). 2022. ACM Transactions on the Web

Risk-taking, resilience, and state anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: A coming of (old) age story

Jon Gruda (with Jim McCleskey). 2021. Personality and Individual Differences

Seems Fair to Me: Dyadic Leader Consensus Mediates Fairness and Group Performance

Jon Gruda 2017. Small Group Research

Time After Time: Attachment Orientations and Impression Formation in Initial and Longer-Term Team Interactions

Jon Gruda (with Gruda, D.). 2022. Frontiers in Psychology

Towards a framework for repairing stakeholder trust in entrepreneurial small businesses in times of macro-level crises

Jon Gruda (with Alexandros Psychogios). 2024. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

Turn down for watt: Community fit and thermal comfort habituation predict average household heating energy consumption

Jon Gruda (with Dritjon Gruda). 2024. PLOS Climate

Tweet you right back: Follower anxiety predicts leader anxiety in social media interactions during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Jon Gruda (with Alexandros Psychogios). 2023. PLOS ONE

You're Anxious and I know it! A Machine Learning Approach to perceiving Anxiety in Micro-Blog Data

Jon Gruda 2018. Academy of Management Proceedings