Aydin Teymourifar



Aydin Teymourifar got a bachelor's degree in statistics and then, he also received equivalence engineering by taking almost all specialized courses of industrial engineering. Ensuing completing his master's degree in industrial engineering, he worked at a metallurgy company in Turkey as a mid‑level manager, focused on demand forecasting, production planning, and logistics. He also collaborated with lean manufacturing consulting firms. He continued his education to get a Ph.D. in industrial engineering, whose dissertation was defended under the topic of health management on 28 February 2019, in which the possible contracting mechanisms among government and private hospitals and their influence on social utility were analyzed. Throughout this period, he took part in four research projects about healthcare management and manufacturing, where, besides simulation, analytical models were also used. One of these projects financed by Turkey's most prestigious research council, TÜBITAK, for three years. Other projects were supported by the university's project unit that he is doing research and studying. During the Ph.D. period, he collaborated with regional health institutions in Turkey. In the Ph.D. dissertation, he explored various contract mechanisms that a government could offer to private hospitals to provide a more balanced and socially beneficial health system. In this context, pricing models of services, policies such as subsidies, and financial incentives were analyzed using Stackelberge and Nash equilibrium states. As a considerable performance, he published four journal papers, from his Ph.D. dissertation. He also published more than seven other articles on management issues, beyond the topic of his Ph.D. dissertation, during his doctoral period. He likewise participated in more than twenty international conferences. In 2019, he participated in a competitive post‑doctoral position, selected as a researcher in INESC TEC for the project named sectorization to simplify and solve (StoSS). The main objective of the project was to develop a DSS to solve sectorization problems and was financed by the ERDF ‑ European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation ‑ COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT ‑ Foundation for Science and Technology within project POCI‑01‑0145‑FEDER‑031671.

Since May 2021, he is working as a researcher within the Service Management and Performance (SMP) group of the Center for Studies in Management and Economics (CEGE).


A Bi-level Solution Method for a Hierarchical Problem of Pricing and Capacity Decisions Based on a Contract Mechanism between the Government and a Private Hospital

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2017. 4th Conference on Optimization Methods and Software (OMS)

A comparison among optimization software to solve bi-objective sectorization problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2023. Heliyon

A Comparison Between Integer Programming and Metaheuristic-based Methods to Solve Sectorization

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2020. International Conference, Operations Research, Machine Learning, and Analytics, ODS 2020

A comparison between linear and non-linear combinations of priority rules for solving flexible job shop scheduling problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2023. Industrial engineering in the Covid-19 era

A comparison between metaheuristic-based and solver-based methods to solve routing problem based on sectorization

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2021. 6th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2021)

A Comparison Between Metaheuristic-based and Solver-based Methods to Solve Routing Problem Based on Sectorization

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2021. WSEAS Transactions on Communications

A Comparison between Neighborhoods Structures Defined for Scheduling Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 12th International NCM Conference: New Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

A Comparison between NSGA-II and NSGA-III algorithms to Solve Many-Objective Location-Routing Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2020. ICCAIRO: 4th International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Optimization

A comparison between NSGA-II and NSGA-III to solve multi-objective sectorization problems based on statistical parameter tuning

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2020. Proceedings - 24th international conference on circuits, systems, communications and computers, CSCC 2020
Capítulo de Livro

A Comparison Between Optimization Tools to Solve Sectorization Problem

Aydin Teymourifar 2022. Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences
Capítulo de Livro

A comparison between simultaneous and hierarchical approaches to solve a multi-objective location-routing problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2021. AIRO Springer Series

A Comparison Between Simultaneous and Hierarchical Approaches to Solve Multi-Objective Location-Routing Problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2020. 18th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization-CTW2020

A comparison between solver-based and heuristic-based methods for pricing and capacity decisions in a health system

Aydin Teymourifar (with Kadir Kutay Özgün). 2020. Operations Research, Machine Learning, and Analytics (ODS 2020)

A Comparison Between Two Approaches to Optimize Weights of Connections in Artificial Neural Networks

Aydin Teymourifar 2021. Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics

A comparison between two definitions of idle time in offline scheduling of flexible job shop problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2022. Industrial engineering in the Covid-19 era

A Constraint-Based Hybrid Neural Network For The Dynamic Multi-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2017. 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN),

A Framework to Design and Evaluate Green Contract Mechanisms for Forestry Supply Chains

Aydin Teymourifar & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Aydin Teymourifar). 2023. Sustainability

A hybrid framework integrating machine-learning and mathematical programming approaches for sustainable scheduling of flexible job-shop problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Dan Li). 2023. Chemical Engineering Transactions

A Monte Carlo Simulation-Based Approach to Solve Dynamic Sectorization Problem

Aydin Teymourifar 2021. Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MJMIE)

A new approach for extracting priority rules for dynamic multi objective job shop scheduling with limited buffer spaces

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2017. International Conference on Engineering Technologies – ICENTE

A New Approach to Design IF-THEN Scheduling Policies

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 3rd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2018)

A new model and solution method for the dynamic sectorization problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2021. 6th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2021)

A new model for location-allocation problem based on sectorization

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2021. Engineering World

A Regression-based Approach for Due Date Assignment in Scheduling Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 3rd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2018)

A simulation-based approach to reduce waiting times in emergency departments

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2022. Innovations in Mechatronics Engineering II, ICIE 2022

A Super-Efficiency Approach to Rank Units of a Hospital

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2019. ACTA SCIENTIFIC NUTRITIONAL HEALTH

A Two-stage Approaches for Pricing and Capacity Decisions in the Healthcare Systems based on Contract Mechanisms between the Government and a Private Hospital

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 12th International NCM Conference: New Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

A Two-Stage Method to Solve Location-Routing Problems Based on Sectorization

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2021. International Conference Innovation in Engineering – ICIE'2020

A two-stage method to solve location-routing problems based on sectorization

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2022. Innovations in industrial engineering

An Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm Integrated with Neighborhood Search Heuristics for Solving Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME18)

An Analysis of Public Policies and Patient Preferences on the Healthcare System

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2017. International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS),

An analysis of the effects of pricing and government subsidies on patients’ hospital choices and social utility through simulation

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2017. XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Operational Research (IO)

An Integer Programming Approach to Sectorization with Compactness and Equilibrium Constraints

Aydin Teymourifar (with valeria Romanciuc). 2021. International Conference Innovation in Engineering – ICIE'2020

An integer programming approach to sectorization with compactness and equilibrium constraints

Aydin Teymourifar (with Valeria Romanciuc). 2022. Innovations in industrial engineering

An open-source simulation model for solving scheduling problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2022. Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics

Analysis of different public policies through simulation to increase total social utility in a healthcare system

Aydin Teymourifar (with Kaya, O.). 2020. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences

Analysis of Health Policies for Hospitals by Analytical Models Based on the Public Benefit

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. YAEM2018

Analysis Of The Factors Affecting The Quality Perception Of The Patients In A Hospital And The Overall Evaluation Based on Them

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. , 47th Annual Conference Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI)

Analysis of the Relationship between Quality of Service, Satisfaction and Loyalty of Patients of a Hospital through the Structural Equation Modelling

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2019. ACTA SCIENTIFIC NUTRITIONAL HEALTH

Analyzing Efficiency of the Sections of a Hospital Using the Data Envelopment Analysis

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 5th International Congress on Healthcare & Hospital Management

Analyzing the Effects of Health Policies on the Public Benefit through Simulation

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018)

Assessment of the Relationship Between the Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Loyalty of Patients in a Hospital Through the Path Analysis

Aydin Teymourifar (with Menderes Tarcan). 2018. 12th National Congress on Health and Hospital Administration

Assigning patients to healthcare centers using dispatching rules

Aydin Teymourifar & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2023.

Assigning stores for buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store fulfilment in omnichannel grocery retail

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin Teymourifar). 2023. 30th EurOMA Conference

Contracting models for pricing and capacity decisions in healthcare systems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, A.). 2021. Omega (United Kingdom)

Defining an integrated framework for demand forecasting, due date assignment, scheduling, and performance evaluation in operations management

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2024. 4th Current Issues in Business and Economic Studies, Rome, Italy, 20/06/24

Dynamic Priority Rule Selection for Solving Multi-objective Job Shop Scheduling Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management

Dynamic resectorization to improve utility of healthcare systems

Aydin Teymourifar & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2023.

Dynamic resectorization to improve utility of healthcare systems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2024. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition

Evaluation of a Questionnaire to Measure the Satisfaction Level Perceived by the Patients

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018.

Evaluation of the Effect of Quality Dimensions on The Satisfaction Level Of The Patients

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 4rd International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress (IRSYSC)

Extracting IF-THEN Priority Rules for the Dynamic Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Ozan Bahadir). 2017. YAEM2017

Extracting New Dispatching Rules for Dynamic Flow Shop Scheduling Under Buffer Conditions

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2017. 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN)

Extracting New Dispatching Rules for Dynamic Multi-Objective Scheduling Problems Using Simulation and GEP

Aydin Teymourifar (with Ozan Bahadir). 2017. 3rd International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress, IRSYSC

Extracting New Dispatching Rules for Multi-objective Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Limited Buffer Spaces

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, A.). 2020. Cognitive Computation

Extracting priority rules for dynamic multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problems using gene expression programming

Aydin Teymourifar (with Ozturk, G.). 2019. International Journal of Production Research

Geographically Separating Sectors in Location-Routing Problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2021. WSEAS Transactions on System

Healthcare Policies Based on Contract Mechanisms for Socio-Economic Improvement

Aydin Teymourifar (with Kaya, Onur). 2019. 6th International Annual Meeting of Sosyoekonomi Society

Hybridizing machine learning with time series analysis for enhanced forecasting in management science and operational efficiency

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2024. 10th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting, Gran Canaria, Spain, 15/07/24

Maximizing revenue in omnichannel grocery retailing through store assignment for fulfilling online orders

Aydin Teymourifar (with Rui Sousa). 2024. European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference

New dispatching rules and due date assignment models for dynamic job shop scheduling problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, A.). 2018. International Journal of Manufacturing Research

New models for solving resectorization problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2021. 31st European Conference On Operational Research, Athens, Greece, 11/07/21

New neural network-based models for due date assignment in scheduling problems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 3rd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2018)

Public and private healthcare coordination: An analysis of contract mechanisms based on subsidy payments

Aydin Teymourifar (with Kaya, O.). 2020. Computers and Industrial Engineering

Quantifying different aspects of women's vulnerability

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2024. 4th Current Issues in Business and Economic Studies, Rome, Italy, 20/06/24

Shannon’s entropy method to find weights of objectives in sectorization problem

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2021. 6th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2021)

Simulation-based optimization for resectorization in healthcare systems

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2024. Journal of Simulation

The Effects of Contract Mechanisms between Private Hospitals And The Government On The Public Benefit

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 4rd International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress ( IRSYSC)

The effects of contract mechanisms between the government and private hospitals on the social utility

Aydin Teymourifar (with Aydin TEYMOURIFAR). 2023.

The Effects of Contract Mechanisms between the Government and the Private Sector on the Public Benefit in a System with Multiple Private Hospitals

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 12th International NCM Conference: New Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Relation Between the Level Of Satisfaction of Patients, and Their Perceived Quality And Loyalty in a Hospital in Turkey

Aydin Teymourifar (with Teymourifar, Aydin). 2018. 4rd International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress ( IRSYSC)

Using DEMATEL and ISM for Designing Green Public Policies Based on the System of Systems Approach

Aydin Teymourifar & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Aydin Teymourifar). 2023. Sustainability

Using DEMATEL and ISM to Design Green Public Policies Based on the System of System Approach

Aydin Teymourifar & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Aydin Teymourifar). 2023.