Rui Soucasaux Sousa

Professor Catedrático


Professor Catedrático na Católica Porto Business School (CPBS).

Doutorado em Gestão de Operações pela London Business School, Mestrado em Investigação Operacional pela Universidade de Lancaster, Licenciado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.

O seu trabalho de investigação tem recebido vários prémios internacionais e tem sido publicado nas mais prestigiadas revistas científicas da especialidade.

É Honorary Fellow da European Operations Management Association (EurOMA).

Foi membro da Direção da EurOMA (6 anos), membro do Conselho Científico das Ciências Sociais e Humanidades da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (3 anos) e Presidente do Conselho Científico da CPBS (6 anos).

Fundou e dirige o Service Management Lab (SLab), um centro de competências da Católica Porto Business School que tem como objetivo a produção e transferência de conhecimento para aumentar a produtividade, qualidade e inovação das indústrias e tarefas relacionadas com serviços.

Realizou projetos para organizações como a Rank Xerox, Siemens, EDP, Sonae, Ministério das Finanças, entre outras.

Leciona/lecionou na London Business School, London School of Economics, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (Bruxelas) e várias business schools Portuguesas.

Página pessoal:


A methodology for the design of multichannel service processes

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2013. 22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013

Advanced services and differentiation advantage: An empirical investigation

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Rui Sousa). 2020. International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Architectures for multichannel front-office service delivery models

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Rui Sousa). 2018. International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Barriers to internal benchmarking initiatives: An empirical investigation

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Amaral, P.). 2009. Benchmarking

Best practices, performance advantage and trade-offs: new insights from frontier analysis

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Rui Sousa). 2023. Journal of Productivity Analysis

Capability antecedents and performance outcomes of servitization

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Rui Sousa). 2017. International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Challenges at the marketing–operations interface in omni-channel retail environments

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Tammo H.A. Bijmolt). 2021. Journal of Business Research

Choosing the right manufacturing paradigm

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Silveira, G.J.C.D.A.). 2011. Industrial Management (Norcross, Georgia)

Complexity as contingency in sales and operations planning

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Thomé, A.M.T.). 2014. Industrial Management and Data Systems

Contingency research in operations management practices

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2008. Journal of Operations Management

Customer heterogeneity in operational e-service design attributes: An empirical investigation of service quality

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2008. International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Customer Use of Virtual Channels in Multichannel Services: Does Type of Activity Matter?

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2015. Decision Sciences

Design-manufacturing integration and manufacturing complexity: A contingency investigation of job rotation and co-location

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Thomé, A.M.T.). 2016. International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Designing and developing OM research – from concept to publication

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Federico Caniato). 2018. International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Extending contingency research to operations management practice

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2003. Proceedings - Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute

Framing the servitization transformation process: A model to understand and facilitate the servitization journey

Rui Soucasaux Sousa 2019. International Journal of Production Economics
Capítulo de Livro

Gouveia, J., Sousa, R. (1998), The New Strategy for the Portuguese Industry

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Hutchinson, Amélia P.). 2018. Lindberg, P., Voss, C., and Blackmon, K. (Eds.), International Manufacturing Strategies: Context, Content and Change

Governance of new product design: The influence of national institutions

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Isabel Maria Bodas Freitas). 2023. Journal of Business Research

Guest editorial: Servitization 2.0: evaluating and advancing servitization-related research through novel conceptual and methodological perspectives

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Rodrigo Rabetino). 2021. International Journal of Operations & Production Management

How to serve online consumers in rural markets: Evidence-based recommendations

Rui Soucasaux Sousa & Ricardo Miguel Martins da Costa Ribeiro (with Rui Sousa). 2020. Business Horizons

icBench - A benchmarking tool for Portuguese construction industry companies

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with da Costa, J.M.). 2007. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications

Implementing servitization strategies: Trajectories of capability development and offering of basic and advanced services

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2018. Practices and Tools for Servitization: Managing Service Transition

Linking quality management to manufacturing strategy: An empirical investigation of customer focus practices

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2003. Journal of Operations Management

Multi-channel deployment: A methodology for the design of multi-channel service processes

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2016. Production Planning and Control

Operational implications of manufacturing outsourcing for subcontractor plants: An empirical investigation

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2007. International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Overcoming vulnerability: Channel design strategies to alleviate vulnerability perceptions in customer journeys

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Nancy V. Wünderlich). 2020. Journal of Business Research

Paradigms of choice in manufacturing strategy: Exploring performance relationships of fit, best practices, and capability-based approaches

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with da Silveira, G.J.C.). 2010. International Journal of Operations and Production Management

Pathways of development of dynamic capabilities for servitization transformation: A longitudinal multi-case study

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Pavel Castka). 2024. Industrial Marketing Management

Proceedings of the 17th International Annual European Operations Management Association Conference - Managing Operations in Service Economies

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, Rui). 2010. EurOMA, ISBN: 978-972-99847-3-0

Publication of over 100 articles in media outlets (newspapers, TV interviews, magazines)

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, Rui). 2000.

Quality Management Infrastructure Practices - Context Dependency and Interplay with Core Practices: An Empirical Investigation

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2002. Proceedings - Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute

Quality management practices as a forerunner of absorptive capacity. An empirical study

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Pérez-Aróstegui, M.N.). 2009. Investment Management and Financial Innovations

Quality management re-visited: A reflective review and agenda for future research

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2002. Journal of Operations Management

Quality management: Universal or context dependent?

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2001. Production and Operations Management

Reflections on context in service research

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Voss, C.). 2016. Journal of Service Management

Service encounters, experiences and the customer journey: Defining the field and a call to expand our lens

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Voorhees, C.M.). 2017. Journal of Business Research

Service quality in multichannel services employing virtual channels

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2006. Journal of Service Research
Capítulo de Livro

Sousa, R. (2015), Service Delivery System and Service Providers

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, Rui). 2015. Dahlgaard-Park, S. (Ed), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Quality and the Service Economy

Special Issue on Quality in Multi-Channel Services Employing Virtual Channels

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, Rui). 2008. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management

Special Issue on the 2010 European Operations Management Association Conference

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, Rui). 2012. International Journal of Operations and Production Management

The effects of service failures and recovery on customer loyalty in e-services: An empirical investigation

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2009. International Journal of Operations and Production Management

The impact of sales and operations planning practices on manufacturing operational performance

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Thomé, A.M.T.). 2014. International Journal of Production Research

The impacts of e-service quality on customer behaviour in multi-channel e-services

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2012. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence

The moderating effect of channel use on the quality-loyalty relationship in multi-channel e-services

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Sousa, R.). 2012. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management

The relationship between servitization and product customization strategies

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Rui Sousa). 2019. International Journal of Operations & Production Management

“Futurizing” smart service: implications for service researchers and managers

Rui Soucasaux Sousa (with Wuenderlich, N.V.). 2015. Journal of Services Marketing