Ricardo Alexandre Morais

Professor Auxiliar


Ricardo Morais, casado e pai de três filhas, é Professor Auxiliar de Gestão na Católica Porto Business School e Diretor da Idea Puzzle.

Desde 2013, coordena o seminário 'How to design your PhD' no Instituto Europeu de Estudos Avançados em Gestão (EIASM) em Bruxelas.

É doutorado em Gestão Estratégica pela Universidade de Jyväskylä, Finlândia, e licenciado em Gestão pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto.

Também é um alumnus da HPI School of Design Thinking na Alemanha.

Os seus interesses de investigação são interdisciplinares, incluindo Filosofia da Ciência, Gestão Estratégica, Design Thinking e Espiritualidade na Gestão.

Desde 2002, publicou mais de 30 artigos, capítulos e papers académicos sobre estes temas e lecionou em 99 universidades de 26 países.

É membro da Philosophy of Science Association, Strategic Management Society e Academy of Management.

Desde 1996, co‑fundou a John Crane Safematic no Brasil, o Revenio Group na Finlândia e a Idea Puzzle em Portugal.

Desde 2000, foi consultor em projetos para a Comissão Europeia, Sonae Indústria, Governo português, CCDR‑N, Deloitte, Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo, Câmara de Comércio e Indústria de Ponta Delgada, Associação Missão Crescimento e Fundação Amélia de Mello (www.ricardomorais.com).


A critical realist interpretation of managerial contacts in industrial markets.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2003. Proceedings of the 19th Annual IMP Conference, 4 - 6 September, Lugano, Switzerland.

A critical realist interpretation of network dynamics.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2008. 24th IMP Annual Conference, 4 - 6 September, Uppsala, Sweden.

A CUF, o azeite e as oleaginosas

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Vasco Rodrigues). 2021.

A influência do modelo de negócios nos serviços online unicanal.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Miguel Bradford). 2014. Management working papers

Analysis of research ideas

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2009. Proceedings of the 20th ISPIM Annual Conference, 21 - 24 June, Vienna, Austria.
Capítulo de Livro

Critical realism and case studies in international business research.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2011. Rethinking the Case Study Approach in International Business and Management Research.

Critical realism and case studies in international business.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2007. 33rd EIBA Annual Conference, 13 - 15 December, Catania, Italy.

Critical realist case studies of foreign subsidiary development

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2016. Iberian diaspora and internationalization processes

Design versus organic views of subsidiary coordination in less-hierarchical MNCs: An empirical examination.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2003. Proceedings of the 29th EIBA Annual Conference, 11 - 13 December, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Design-thinking in brand management

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with António Roberto Oliveira). 2013. 8th Global Brand Conference (of the Academy of Marketing Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group), Porto, Portugal, 3rd – 5th April.
Capítulo de Livro

Developing enterprise sponsored virtual communities

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with António Lucas Soares). 2006. On the move to meaningful internet systems 2006
Capítulo de Livro

Entrepreneurship, SMEs and regional constructed advantage.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Sérgio Costa). 2009. Proceedings of the 22nd RENT Annual Conference, 20 - 21 November, Covilhã, Portugal.

Exploring the effect of trust on the performance of international joint ventures.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with H. Hartikainen). 2004. Proceedings of the the 30th EIBA Annual Conference, 5 - 8 December, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

High performance collaborative networks: a realistic innovation or just an academic desire?

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Adília Alves). 2007. ERIMA Annual Conference, 15 - 16 March, Biarritz, France.

Iberian diaspora and internationalization processes

Ricardo Alexandre Morais & Maria Leonor Prata Cerqueira Sopas (with Susana C. Silva). 2016. 11th Iberian International Business Conference, Porto, Portugal, 2/10/15

Idea Puzzle software for doctoral research design (www.ideapuzzle.com)

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2009.
Capítulo de Livro

Knowledge visualisation for research design: The case of the Idea Puzzle software at the University of Auckland.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2019. Enhancing the role of ICT in doctoral research processes.
Capítulo de Livro

Knowledge visualization for research design

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2022. Research anthology on innovative research methodologies and utilization across multiple disciplines

Late Starter: A Situation or a Process?

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Susana C. Silva). 2004. IMP – Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2nd-4th September.

Philosophy of science and doctoral research design

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2023.

Scientific method.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2010. Encyclopedia of case study research.

Social networks of foreign subsidiary managers as “glocal” coordination.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2002. Proceedings of the 18th Annual IMP Conference, 5 - 7 September, Dijon, France.

The curriculum question in doctoral education.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2015. Frontline Learning Research

The influence of creative industry definitions on subsector typologies

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Bruno Pires). 2014. Management working papers

The influence of critical realism on managerial prediction

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Nuno Martins). 2015. Management working papers

The influence of tourism seasonality on family business in peripheral regions.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2014. Management working papers

The internationalisation of Sonae Indústria. Case 316-0003-1.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2016.

The internationalisation of Sonae Indústria. Teaching note 316-0003-8.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2016.

The interpersonal role of foreign subsidiary managers revisited.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2002. Proceedings of the 28th EIBA Annual Conference, 8 - 10 December, Athens, Greece.

The role of business schools in the doctoral paradox.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2008. European Business Review.
Capítulo de Livro

The role of managerial dependence and uncertainty in foreign subsidiary coordination

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2004. European research on foreign subsidiary coordination.

The role of multinationals in the "doctoral paradox".

Ricardo Alexandre Morais (with Ricardo Morais). 2006. Proceedings of the 32nd EIBA Annual Conference, 7 - 9 December, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Capítulo de Livro

The role of personal contacts of foreign subsidiary managers in the coordination of industrial multinationals.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2005. Managing Product Innovation, Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing.

The role of personal contacts of foreign subsidiary managers in the coordination of industrial multinationals: The case of Finnish subsidiaries in Portugal.

Ricardo Alexandre Morais 2004. Jyväskylä studies in business and economics