Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves

Professor Associado


Vice-Diretor da Católica Porto Business School (Staff, Management Control, Accreditations and Ranking e Master Programmes).

Professor Associado da Católica Porto Business School da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e Visiting Research Associate e professor convidado na Lancaster University.

Doutoramento e pós‑doutoramento em Contabilidade e Finanças pela Lancaster University (Reino Unido).

A sua principal área de investigação centra‑se no impacto da informação no mercado de capitais, com particular interesse nas narrativas financeiras, com diversas publicações em revistas de reputação internacional na área de Contabilidade e Finanças. Os seus projetos atuais incluem a análise de anúncios preliminares de resultados e a análise estruturada de texto do relatório de gestão publicados em PDF. Membro do projeto The Corporate Financial Information Environment (

Tem participado em projetos do Centro de Estudos de Gestão e Economia Aplicada da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Revisor Oficial de Contas e consultor em projetos no âmbito das áreas de contabilidade, finanças e de governo das sociedades.

Capítulo de Livro

Accounting for PPP

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves 2017. Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance

Adopção antecipada das normas internacionais de contabilidade. A prática das empresas relativa a impostos diferidos e a posição dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, Paulo). 2004. Revisores & Empresas

Credit conditions and corporate investment in Europe

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves 2016. European Investment Bank

Cross-border information transfers: Evidence from profit warnings issued by European firms

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, P.). 2009. Accounting and Business Research

Disclosure of Information and Transparency in Public-private Partnerships: a Comparative Study Between Portugal and the UK

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Luís Cracel Viana). 2023. Accounting in Europe

European cross-border information transfers and the impact of accounting standards regime changes

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Young, Steven). 2010. ICAEW - Centre for Business Performance

How Banks Price Loans for LBOs: an Empirical Analysis of Spread Determinants *

João Filipe Monteiro Pinto & Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, Paulo P.). 2021. Journal of Financial Services Research
Capítulo de Livro

Multilingual Financial Narrative Processing: Analyzing Annual Reports in English, Spanish, and Portuguese

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with El-Haj, Mahmoud). 2019. Multilingual Text Analysis

Relato financeiro – O novo paradigma das tecnologias da informação

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, Paulo). 2002. Estudos do ISCAA

Replacing the judges - Using AI to measure annual report quality

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Young, S.). 2019. Informed

Retrieving, classifying and analysing narrative commentary in unstructured (glossy) annual reports published as PDF files

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves 2019. Accounting and Business Research
Capítulo de Livro

The Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards in Portugal: Can Expected Costs be Reduced

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, Paulo). 2004. Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Enterprise in Competitiveness

The Economics of Securitization: Evidence from the European Markets

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves & João Filipe Monteiro Pinto (with Pinto, J.). 2016. Investment Management and Financial Innovations

The impact of IAS 39 on the risk-relevance of earnings volatility: Evidence from foreign banks cross-listed in the USA

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Duh, R.-R.). 2012. Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics

The impact of Public Private Partnerships on public accounts: the Portuguese roads sector

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Viana, L.). 2017. XVI CICA

The impact of public–private partnerships on public accounts: The Portuguese roads sector

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Cracel Viana, Luís). 2020. Financial Accountability & Management

The use of the R<sup>2</sup> as a measure of firm-specific information: A cross-country critique

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Alves, P.). 2010. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting

Towards a Multilingual Financial Narrative Processing System

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with El-Haj, M.). 2018. 1st Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP2018)

WeCare: Financial Planning as a Support to Decision Making

Paulo Alexandre Pimenta Alves (with Pinto, João). 2023.