Jorge Manuel Soares Julião

Professor Auxiliar


Professor em Gestão de Operações e Sistemas de Informação.

Doutorou-se pela Cranfield University (Reino Unido) e é licenciado em engenharia e mestre em design de equipamentos pela Universidade de Coimbra.

A sua experiência é vasta, como engenheiro de operações no setor do papel e professor na Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Nesta última, esteve na Escola Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia, na Faculdade de Engenharia e nas business schools do Porto e de Lisboa.

Ocupou vários cargos de gestão universitária, como reitor associado, vice-dean de centro regional, diretor de escola, diretor de departamento e diretor de cursos (BSE e MSc em Engenharia Industrial).

Tem experiência de consultoria na avaliação de projetos para a Adi (Agência de Inovação) e BES Inovação. Publicou vários artigos de investigação em revistas académicas, conferências, livros, jornais da especialidade e é coautor de duas patentes. Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se nas áreas de gestão de operações e desenvolvimento sustentável.


Applicability of Circular Economy in the Hospitality Industry

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Joana Bica). 2020. Multilevel Approach to Competitiveness in the Global Tourism Industry

Applying performance measures to support informed decision making at an operational level

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Madalena Moreira). 2013. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2013)
Capítulo de Livro

As implicações da Indústria 5.0 no trabalho

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Jorge Julião). 2023. Indústria 5.0 - pessoas, tecnologia e sustentabilidade

Circular economy in a multiple helix perspective: a review

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Gaspar, Marcelo). 2018.

Classification and Coding System for Machine Tool Failures (part II)

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 2003. Maintenance & Asset Management

Conceptual Design of a Support Documentation System to Assist Troubleshooting in Manufacturing

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2005.

Consumers' perceptions of circular economy in the hotel industry: Evidence from Portugal

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, J.). 2020. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management

Contributions towards the adoption of circular economy in the hospitality industry

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Joana Bica). 2019. 4th Regional Helix Conference

Demystifying the digital transition of remanufacturing: A systematic review of literature

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Teixeira, E.L.S.). 2022. Computers in Industry

Empirical Study of Failure Records Utilisation in Troubleshooting: approach for reducing troubleshooting time

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 2006. Maintenance & Asset Management

Enhancing regional produce as green products for the global market

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Marcelo Calvete Gaspar). 2017. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development

Enhancing Regional Produce as Green Products for the Global Market: An Exploratory Study in a Portuguese Region

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Gaspar, Marcelo Calvete). 2017. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development

Exploring circular economy in the hospitality industry

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, J.). 2019. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Exploring the sustainability dimension to position Portuguese Beiras region endogenous resources as green products in the global market

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge Manuel Soares). 2016.
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Faculdade de Engenharia

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2018. História da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
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Financial Inclusion Through Digital Banking: The case of Peru

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2023.
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Finite element modelling of scaffolds for minor maxillofacial bone augmentation

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2010.

Food Plastic Packaging Transition towards Circular Bioeconomy: A Systematic Review of Literature

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Macarena Beltran). 2021. Sustainability

Future trends on electrical vehicles servitization driven by the digital revolution

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Luís Manuel Ventura Serrano). 2021. Spring Servitization Conference 202, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 10/05/21

Gestão de Informação sobre Falhas: caracterização da situação actual

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2003. Proceedings of the “VI Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica”. CIBEM 6

Harnessing prognostics health management and product-service systems interaction to support operational decisions

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Silva Teixeira, Evandro Leonardo). 2012. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

Hotel environmental sustainability perceptions

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Bárbara Patrício). 2020. Gestin
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How Smart is Green? Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility Solutions for Transporting People and Goods

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Filipe Ferreira). 2021.

Impact of Industry's 4.0 technologies in the Portuguese footwear industry

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Francisca Silva). 2019. Proceeding of the 4th Regional Helix Conference

Impact of the Ecotourism Experience on Consumers: online review analysis

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2020. Gestin

Impacts of Industry 4.0 on Operations Management: Challenges for Operations Strategy

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Gaspar, M.). 2020. 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2020

Impacts of Industry 4.0 on Operations Management: Challenges for Operations Strategy

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Gaspar, M.). 2021. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Influência do Tipo de Lubrificante e da Lubrificação na Performance das Correntes de Rolos

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 1998. 6as Jornadas Portuguesas de Tribologia

Key Factors on Green Product Development: Influence of Multiple Elements

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Juliao, Jorge). 2016. Multiple Helix Ecosystems for Sustainable Competitiveness

Lean thinking in service digital transformation

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Juliao, Jorge). 2021. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
Capítulo de Livro

Managerial challenges of industry 4.0

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Maria Alice Trindade). 2023. Managerial challenges of industry 4.0

Minor maxillofacial bone augmentation for dental prostheses implantation

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Silva, A. I.). 2010. Biodental Engineering

Organizational strategies induced by the fourth industrial revolution: Workforce awareness and realignment

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Gaspar, M.). 2019. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Placa higienizadora para absorção de fluídos fisiológicos

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 2013.

Projecto de Correntes de Rolos com Base nas Curvas de Alongamento

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 1999. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica

Projeto de Correntes de Rolos com Base nas Curvas de Alongamento

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 1998.

Redução de Tempos de Paragem Através do Registo de Falhas

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2005. Manutenção

Redução dos Tempos de Intervenção: proposta baseada em registos de falha

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 2006. Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica

Relógio analógico com ponteiro dos minutos extensível angularmente

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 2010.

Rethinking marine plastics pollution: Science diplomacy and multi-level governance

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Macarena Beltran). 2024. International Review of Administrative Sciences

Sharing economy in the new hospitality: consumer perspective

Maria Alice Moreira Trindade & Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Trindade, Maria A. M.). 2022. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights

Sharing economy in the new hospitality: consumer perspective

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião & Maria Alice Moreira Trindade (with Jorge Julião). 2023. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights

Sistemas de Informação e Tecnológicos

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Andrade, António). 2019. Universidade Católica Editora

Stylish virtual tour

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Maher Georges Elmashhara). International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

Stylish virtual tour: exploring fashion’s influence on attitude and satisfaction in VR tourism

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Maher Georges Elmashhara). 2024. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

The role of circular economy in peripheral countries

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2017. 2nd Regional Helix 2017, Covilhã, Portugal, 21/06/17

The role of circular economy in peripheral countries

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2017. Regional HELIX’17 – International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer
Capítulo de Livro

The Social, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions of Hotel Sustainability: Role of Consumers

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Julião, Jorge). 2020. Handbook of Research on Driving Industrial Competitiveness With Innovative Design Principles

Towards Machine Tool Downtime Reduction through Failure Historical Records

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2003. Proceedings of the International Conference of Industrial Engineering and Production Management

Why do SMEs implement open innovation? The case of Portugal

Jorge Manuel Soares Julião (with Jorge Julião). 2022. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management