Porto Sustainable Business Summer School

Mais Informações

Edith Littich | edith.littich@wu.ac.at
Alexandra Leitão | apleitao@ucp.pt 


Start Date: 7th July 2025
End Date: 25th July 2025 


Participants can obtain 8 ECTS. *
*For ECTS creditation opportunities within your degree please contact your course director.

570 €

For more information, contact: 
Global Education Office


Descrição do Programa

At a time of indisputable societal and environmental change, it is important to understand how embedding sustainability into core business strategy benefits financial performance and management practices. Being at the forefront of this emerging field is fundamental to the future of business.

At the same time, the industry demands graduates who understand how to account for sustainability and, more generally, understand sustainability from the business perspective. Sustainable Business illustrates how businesses can thrive and grow while simultaneously solving some of the world’s biggest challenges and how individuals can make a difference.


Católica Porto Business School is presenting a joint Summer School with WU - Wirtschafts Universität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Businessone of the best business schools in Europe. This programme will take place in Porto and bring together students and faculty of both schools in an innovative and challenging programme under Sustainable Business.


This course aims to provide students with the required tools to make adequate decisions in an economy that is quickly moving toward sustainability. 

Upon completion of this course, students will:

  • have an overview of the current framework and pending European Union regulations to foster the sustainability agenda, in particular regarding sustainable finance;
  • understand new financing instruments and its impact on sustainability;
  • be able to evaluate corporate decisions in line with sustainable business criteria (strategic as well as operational decisions);
  • understand how sustainability challenges become business opportunities, promoting value creation;
  • understand the fundamental change behind the transformation from the linear to the circular economy;
  • understand the concepts of shared value and social innovation and their implications for the management of organisations;
  • understand the meaning and relevance of social entrepreneurship;
  • have experience working on an assigned project in an internationally composed team;
  • have learnt to prepare, structure and craft the presentation of their project and how to present it professionally.

Who can attend?

This Summer School targets undergraduate students from WU and from Universidade Católica Portuguesa.


  • Fluency in English, no knowledge of the Portuguese language is required. 
  • More than 18 years old.

Programme Outline

The academic program will be on Sustainable Business and held entirely in English.

Mais Informações

Edith Littich | edith.littich@wu.ac.at
Alexandra Leitão | apleitao@ucp.pt 


Start Date: 7th July 2025
End Date: 25th July 2025 


Participants can obtain 8 ECTS. *
*For ECTS creditation opportunities within your degree please contact your course director.

570 €

For more information, contact: 
Global Education Office