International Study Week

Descrição do Programa

The International Study Week is an international study and exchange project born out of the the network between four leading higher education institutions:

  • Luiss Business School (Rome, Italy).
  • Nottingham University Business School (Nottingham, United Kingdom).
  • Tilburg University (Tilburg, The Netherlands).
  • Católica Porto Business School (Porto, Portugal).

This is an intensive one-week programme focusing on business activity in a specific country and international management. It involves studying and solving a real problem faced by a company.


During the same week, each School in the Network hosts an intensive study week focusing on a specific sector and including academic sessions, company visits and cultural visits. Students selected by each University will be able to take part in the activities organised at one of the Business Schools involved.

Students who  do not take part  in the exchange and do not travel abroad, can still enjoy an international experience. They can attend activities organised at Católica Porto Business School together with international students from the other partner universities.

Full details concerning the initiative will be provided in class during the academic year.


For a period of one week, students from these four business schools have the chance to participate in a short-term international experience, at one of the schools of their choice, which will enable them to acquire knowledge, broaden their horizons, and get to know  other cultural realities.

Students will have the opportunity to broaden  their horizons through  a very specific, short-term and focussed  international experience that will allow them to acquire knowledge and experience of other cultures.

Who can attend

The International Study Week is open to students enrolled in the Master’s in Management and Marketing at Católica Porto Business School and to students from the Network Schools, who have a special interest, a common background and a professional orientation in the field of international management. 

During the spring semester, the Global Education Office will present all main details regarding the initiative, the call for applications, and the selection process.

For students from the other Business Schools in the Network, selection is carried out individually by each school of the Network.

Programme outline

1. Católica Porto Business School

The Wine Journey

During this week, students from the four Business Schools will have the opportunity to explore the entire wine value chain.

The programme was designed with Sogrape, a long-standing CPBS partner and one of the largest wine companies on the Iberian Peninsula. It includes visits to the company, as well as a detailed analysis of a case study  (

This will be a unique opportunity for students to have an international experience while learning more about the wine industry, its past and its future.



2. Luiss Business School

International Study week in Luxury, Fashion and Made in Italy

MIM’s International Study Week on Luxury, Fashion and Made in Italy aims to bring together talented business students. The event gives students a unique opportunity to learn about the luxury markets, work in mixed groups on a case study, visit companies such as Bulgari and Dolce & Gabbana, take part in a study visit and meet managers from the sector.

Find out more here

3. Tilburg University

International Study week in International Management

Tilburg University_ISW

Find out more here