S.Lab deploys an evidence-based approach that aims to use the best evidence available to support management and decision-making. A significant amount of research in management has been produced in recent decades, resulting in a wide set of best practices that cannot be ignored by managers. S.Lab provides scientific evidence in its key research areas using rigorous methods and carries out collaborative applied projects with its partner firms.
S.Lab carries out activities of different types:
Fundamental Research: the goal of this research is to produce innovative knowledge in the Service Management field that benefits the business and scientific communities and society as a whole. Projects are often carried out in collaboration with firms that share their data and enable the study of real-world cases and the test of innovative solutions, concepts or models. S.Lab can also act as an academic partner in innovative projects suggested by partner firms aimed at producing ground-breaking knowledge and solve original problems.
Proprietary Research: this research is commissioned by the partner firms with the goal of generating competitive advantage through the study of a specific case or problem. This research may take different forms: i) projects of limited duration to solve/analyse a concrete situation; ii) long-term projects involving regular data analysis or support in the research of recurring situations.
Production of White Papers: benchmark studies conducted on behalf of firms with the purpose of keeping their customers and the general public up to date on a relevant issue that affects them, or influencing policies and getting the attention of governmental bodies.
Development of in-company programmes or thematic sessions closely linked to the needs of firms.
Writing of case studies on partner firms, spreading their brand both nationally and internationally.
Organisation of events to disseminate research (workshops, conferences, discussion forums) and training courses, in collaboration with the S.Lab’s partners.